I’ve been talking with faculty staff at CU CSCI about the kind of work they’re doing and to see if there is any projects that we might collaborate on. After a chat with Katie Siek we decided that the most efficient way to introduce my research from UCD and Glasgow was to drop by and give a presentation.
For the opening I talked a little about the data binding technologies we developed at Strathclyde. These “type projection” systems provide a safe and extremely efficient mechanism for computing over semistructured data sources (if you’ve ever used JAXB from Sun they’re kind of similar). I skipped pretty quickly over that, hopefully didn’t loose too many listeners, and jumped into Construct.
Construct is our open-source community platform for Pervasive Computing. It is a middleware that provides the plumbing for developers of Pervasive or Ubiquitous systems. Rather than spend time writing code for management of services and data flow across the network developers can concentrate on the problem domain for their specific project.
I was invited back to talk with Ric Han‘s group early January.